Teachers of the Hearing Impaired
Teachers of the Hearing Impaired teach academic and living skills to hearing impaired students.
- The Job
- The Facts
- Related Courses
What the job involves
- Assesses students' abilities and limitations
- Plans, organises and implements special programmes to provide remedial or advanced tuition
- Administers various forms of assessment and interprets the results
- Teaches basic academic subjects, and practical and self-help skills to hearing impaired students
- Devises instructional materials, methods and aids to assist in training and rehabilitation
- Advises, instructs and counsels parents and teachers on the availability and use of special techniques
- Stimulates and develops interests, abilities, manual skills and co-ordination
- Confers with other staff members to plan and schedule lessons for special needs students
- Prepares and maintains student data and other records and submits reports